19th March 2020
With world attention firmly focussed on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) I would like to take this opportunity to update you on our activities as this dynamic and evolving situation is beginning to impact global business. I’d firstly like to confirm that our aviation services businesses Centreline and ASG are fully open for business. Our fleet of aircraft is fully operational for their owners and our charter clients, our hangars are open for maintenance and our FBO’s are ready to handle visiting aircraft.
Having said this, we are conscious of the increasing risks and are putting necessary plans in place to prepare ourselves. Decisions we will take will be based on 3 key guiding principles:
• Put our employees first and keep them safe
• Do our part to slow the community spread of the virus wherever possible
• Continue to provide our clients with the highest standards of service delivery
Steps we are taking behind the scenes to prepare ourselves against its likely impact include:
• We are monitoring the situation daily, adhering to Government advice and actively updating our teams.
• Business Continuity plans are forming and will be continuously assessed for Centreline and ASG to deal with challenges that may be faced.
• Measures are being taken to implement enhanced health and cleanliness standards across all of our activities including our aircraft fleet.
• Work from home arrangements are in place for our colleagues whose role can be worked remotely.
• On site, we are advising colleagues and visitors to follow Government social distancing guidelines.
• A group wide travel restriction is in force.
• The use of our IT infrastructure is being maximised as an alternative to face to face interaction.
We are also working closely with our parent company, the wider Pula Group whose diverse activities provide us with a strength in depth and the confidence to ensure the necessary measures we implement are robust and will enable our operations to continue as normally as possible.
Centreline and ASG will individually continue to update our employees and customers as the situation changes.
For and on behalf of Pula Aviation Services Limited I wish you all the best and assure you that Pula, Centreline and ASG will do its best to support your aviation needs through this difficult situation and once a return to normal is experienced.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Page
Aircraft Management | Charter | Maintenance | Sales | FBO Services
+44(0)1481232924 | [email protected]
Company Registration No: 65843
Pula House, La Grande Rue, St Martins, Guernsey GY4 6RT